Guía ITP. ¿Qué valor uso para liquidar este impuesto?

What is the ITP (Property Transfer Tax)?

Después de nuestra Guía sobre Impuestos al vender un inmueble, ahora pasamos al impuesto principal al comprar una vivienda. Sobre todo tras los cambios legislativos de los últimos años, sobre el valor referencia para liquidar el ITP. Y sobre todo, qué hacer si nos llega una temida Comprobación de Valor de Hacienda.

Empezamos por el principio. El Impuesto de Transmisiones Patrimoniales es una tasa que se aplica en la compraventa de bienes inmuebles. En términos simples, es el impuesto que debes pagar al adquirir una propiedad. Este impuesto varía según la comunidad autónoma en la que te encuentres. Desde el 2021, el valor que se usa para pagar el ITP ha cambiado. Quédate con nosotros si quieres saber cómo te va a influir.

The actual purchase value is no longer used for self-assessment of ITP. Now, in general, you have to use the reference value. You can find the reference value on the web page of the Official Cadastre. You can use this link.

What to do if the Reference Value is higher than the Purchase Value?

The self-assessment of the ITP is the procedure by which the buyer declares and pays the corresponding tax to the tax authorities. However, sometimes the reference value established by the administration may be higher than the actual purchase value. In this case, there are options for dealing with this situation. If the property is in poor condition or you have simply found a bargain (congratulations!), then the difference can be very large. In this case, you will be paying much more tax than you expect. This difference can be thousands of euros!

Cómo Manejar esta Discrepancia de Valores

Well, the first thing that will happen if you have self-assessed the purchase value, is that in a few months you will receive a registered letter from the tax office corresponding to the town where the property is located with the title "Procedimiento de Comprobación Limitada" or similar.

The next step is to make a series of allegations. You can try to make the claim yourself at this step, as you do not need a lawyer. Try to prove that the value of the property is lower than the reference value. Photos, invoices for repairs and works, any proof can be useful. And don't forget to submit your claims on time.

No te des por vencido antes de tiempo

Don't worry if your allegations are not accepted. That is normal. Now you will have to pay the difference between the declared value and the reference value. But NOT EVERYTHING IS LOST. In fact, at Legal Fácil we have already managed to successfully claim several ITP settlements after this first refusal.

After payment, you will have to file an appeal with the Economic-Administrative Tribunal (TEAR). Although it is not essential, at this point it is highly recommended that you have the appropriate advice from professionals in civil and tax law. Our law firm, Legal Fácil, specialises in these matters and can offer you the necessary guidance to resolve this discrepancy of values efficiently and in compliance with current legislation.

The deadlines for you to receive a response to your appeal are longer, up to six months. Even if, after this response, you are denied a refund of what you have overpaid, you can still file a Contentious Administrative Appeal. Here you will need a lawyer and solicitor, but bear in mind that the cost of the process can more than offset the value of what you should be refunded.

Let's check an example:

Compras una vivienda proveniente de una herencia, o de un embargo al banco. El valor de referencia del catastro es de 220.000€, pero las condiciones del inmueble son tan malas que el precio que has pagado es 150.000€. Si el inmueble está en Madrid, puede que estés pagando hasta 4.200€ de más!

If I have self-assessed at the reference value, can I still claim?

Yes, you will also be able to claim interest for late payment in the event that you are finally proved right.

Contact Legal Facil for a customised advise

At Legal Fácil we understand how complex this process can be. That is why we invite you to get in touch with our experts in civil and tax law. We offer personalised advice to help you resolve any situation related to the self-assessment of the Transfer Tax. We are here to give you the help you need with an initial analysis at NO COST TO YOU!

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